So I decided to have a little chat with the Christian_clean-meme stream about "Why are y'all homophobic?" I didn't get much besides the ol' "But da bible says swo" shit, but this guy named Kromermerion was the biggest shit I found.
He first starts by saying "Homosexuality is bad gay people not bad they do bad stuff tho," which is progress from "all gay people bad and evil," but it goes downhill real fast.
I ask "Why is it bad. You all say it's bad but provide no evidence."
To which he says:
"Romans 1:26 NLT [26] That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other."
'Okay,' I think to myself. 'That's some evidence, but it's not what I was looking for.'
I reply with "No no, I don't think you understand. I want hard factual evidence that being gay is bad. No opinions, just facts."
Then he, no joke, decides that he'll bring up LGBT teen suicide rate thinking it's going to help his case. Like what the flippety f**k? I'll give y'all the link because I know your going to absolutely murder him: