T h e H o u s e o f D a v i d
"Pro Rege, Lege, Et Grege"
(January 31, 2025 - Year of His Victory); "My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit: a broken and contrite heart
you, God, will not despise"
The House of David offers condolences and prayers for the families, children,
loved ones and those afflicted by the U.S. Army-American Airlines catastrophe
on January 29, 2025. Also, condolences are extended to The People of
Wichita, Kansas, a city, long dear to me. My Bereaving Countymen and Countrywomen:
In our once Godly-blessed nation, the year 2024 was filled with relentless,
devasating Acts of God and Man-made violence. Unquestionably, this new year
already has established itself to be a more powerful continuation of woes.
Be clear: The Hand of The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, The True and Only God,
Almighty Yahweh, for decades, increasingly chastises a wicked, false-god serving and
arrogantly defiant country. Where, special-interest and agenda serving political-party
puppets, unfit to lead nor serve, deceptively expending and exploiting this nation's
greatest national resource, We, The People, for Political-party policy advancement.
Meanwhile, multinational Corporate America craftily dictates, manipulates, and pollutes
all facets of a Divinely-inspired and Godly-enriched nation. An evil confederacy,
cunningly attempting to eliminate and futilely attempting to replicate
The Divine and Omnipotent Creator of "The Land of Milk and Honey", Himself.
Yet, in the Holy Spirit-filled words of My Blessed Forefather, The Psalmist, King David:
"The scepter of the wicked shall not remain over the land allotted to the righteous, for
then the righteous might use their hands to do evil"
May The Lord rest all the souls lost in The Potomac River Aircraft Catastrophe!
+His Royal Highness Prince Michael of The House of David+