Trash Peterson is just as bad. She literally runs around practically naked in public (mainly because she wants views on OF instead of, IDK, hetting a REAL JOB at a wildlife sanctuary/rehabber. Oh, wait, no employer in their right mind would hire her after the things she's done), traumatizes children, accuses board certified VETS of eating their patients, damaging/destroying private property, trespassing, terrorizing people who are running errands/trying to work, endangering the public, and inciting violence. She's actually banned from ALL businesses within a 100 mile radius of her residence, possibly has multiple restraining orders against her (I only know of 1, but I'm sure there's more), and has had to pay a vetranarian $280,000 (Australian currency) in defamation damages. How the f**k she isn't rotting in prison for 10-20 years is BEYOND ME! If she lived in the US, she would be millions of $ in debt due to fines/people suing her/owing $ to the IRS, on a sex offender registry, and facing MANY years behind bars (tax evasion, harassment, possibly assault, resisting arrest, destruction to property, indecent exposure, reckless endangerment, disturbing the peace, and inciting violence). We can only hope that one day, she does something so stupid that the judge finally has enough and "throws the book at her". Literally everyone in Australia that has a brain hates her.