You’re taking over Canada! I’m Canadian! There’s too many students here. So what wrong did I do? Be honest and tell me. What wrong did I do to you? I’m not a student. You have every argument
in the book! You are Indian. I’m not. You’re from India. Your parents are from India. Your grandma is from India. So is that a crime? It’s a crime when there are so many Indians taking over Canada and Africans taking over Canada. So personally what wrong did I do to you? I’m just minding my own day and going about and you show me the finger. Like, I did you no harm. I mean no harm. I come in peace. Please do not show the middle finger unprovoked to people. It’s not right. It’s un-Canadian to just harass people. “Peace! Peace!”; You’re not Canadian. Alright, then where should I go back to? I’m being aggressive to you because too many Indians are in Canada and I want you to go back. Ma’am, why were you aggressive to me? Go back to India! Your parents are not Canadian. Your grandma is not Canadian. Okay. But I’m Canadian. I’m Canadian, ma’am! So what wrong did I do to you? I’m just trying to understand, like, what wrong did I do to you? Personally, what wrong did I do to you? You hardly speak English. Je parle français. I speak English as well. I speak French. Est-ce que vous parlez français? Do you speak French? I do. I speak French. Je suis Canadien. I’m Canadian. F*** OFF! F*** OFF! F*** OFF!