I hate people if and only if they have done something geniunely bad. JackNCoke there hates a whole big group of people cos of a really small part of it
Actually hop off of his dick.
Idc what he did or didnt do
You posting about him so much is GENUINELY pissing me off.
We f**king get it you dont like him. WAA WAA have a bottle if you're gonna keep acting like a baby 🍼
You don't? He hates all Muslims just because some muslims in his neighborhood and tries to make msmg think all Muslims are bad. I'm a Muslim, of course I'm gonna be angry at him, do you expect me to love him?
I sometimes say stupid things to draw funny reactions from msmg that's all, I wanted to see how they'd react to me saying I hate my own kind. Imma find the links now.