PART ONE Brother… you have a firm grasp on that belief, yeah?. You just KNOW that it’s true, right? You are a victim of propaganda. You are advertising that you have fallen for the PSYOP. Stop embarrassing yourself. Alex Jones never said that. He Never did that. He has called that out as TOTAL & COMPLETE LIES. If you knew anything about Alex Jones, you would know that he respects truth, honors truth, & Speaks Truth. HE OWNS EVERYTHING HE SAYS & DOES. Like all honest people —especially honest Christians— he calls it like it is. Good, bad, otherwise. If he ever says or does anything out of line, he owns up to it. He says, that was wrong. And apologizes for it. He never takes the punkassbitch way out, to play it off & lie about it to save face. That’s the honest, Conservative, Christian way. Now… how about the lying liars who can even think up an act as repugnant as pissing on graves? Does it come from a trusted source? Someone who has evidence that it happened?! Or, just a guy, who heard it from a guy, who heard ABOUT IT on some no name lefty podcast, where they’ll say anything about anyone? Are they the type of people who would say, “Yeah, I made that up. It’s a complete lie… it never happened.”? Are they the kind of people to own up to it? Who OWN what they say & own what yhey do? Or are they that punkassbitch that would keep running that atrocious lie? Of course — they keep running it. Because it keeps resonating with people — people like you, who hear it once (or 100 times), and just accept it as true. Because you WANT it to be true, because you HATE that guy. Because That Guy pisses on graves, & spits in the faces of Sandy Hook parents. (But, no, he doesn’t). And then people — people like you, REFUSE to LISTEN to a word Jones says… let alone a whole EPISODE of Alex Jones or BANNED.INFO That way, people —people like you— don’t get exposed to TRUTH & REALITY. And you don’t learn what Alex really SAYS. You just KNOW what is said ABOUT HIM. And YOU keep perpetuating the LIE, AS IF it’s FACT. So the next uninformed guy hears YOU repeat that lie, & then He KNOWS it must be true… because he hates Alex Jones, because he heard that Jones spit in the faces of the Sandy Hook parents. So HE perpetuates both of those complete FABRICATIONS. And more people remain ignorant of the important info that Alex shares EVERY DAMN DAY. Info about that wh CONT —>