MIBU Story; You are traveling to the Bahamas with your boils; You stop at the gas station and then you go inside to get an XL Slurpee at 7 Eleven; There is a traffic jam on the road trip; You waited 8 hours for the traffic jam to stop; Another 8 hours the traffic jam is still there; Aw crap here we go again; The traffic is nonstop; You waited for 12 hours and its 3:00 AM; The traffic ended and you are in danger; You get in a car accident; But you’re
lucky that you survived; But you passed out and the ambulance spawned; You got a cast on your body and crutches after you passed out of 10 weeks; You walk to your home for 8 hours; Your arrived at your house and called a caretaker; The caretaker says we are going to order pizza and have fun playing Fortnite as a trick; But actually the caretaker yells GO DO THE DISHES, MOP THE FLOOR AND DONT LEAVE ONE TINY SPOT!!! You left a tiny stop after cleaning and now she gets hella mad; Now she’s going to trap you and do domestic violence to you; She’s got the belt and she’s gonna hit you with it way harder than the dads belt; You are in mega pain; She rips your entire body parts she takes your legs your arms your feet your lips your nose and your chest and your entire privates; You are dead not a big surprise