This phenomenon has been known in this area of Spain for hundreds of years.
There was a canalization project to prevent this from happening more than 15 years ago. But they did not carry out the works due to climate ideology.
They also broke dams and reservoirs, which helped to contain the water. In addition, a climate law for nature restoration was passed in the European Union in 2022, which prohibited farmers and agriculturists from cleaning riverbeds.
This resulted in reed jams being caused, which when broken dragged huge masses of water and debris.
In addition, they allowed buildings to be constructed in flood zones, furthermore, they opened a dam while it was happening, to prevent it from breaking, but they did so without warning, causing the flood to go like this and kill so many people.
In addition, the government did not send the army to save people until 3 days later, leaving many people to die.
The government says there are 224 dead, but it is suspected that in truth there are thousands, to this day the area is still devastated, very high taxes are paid but no aid arrives nor do they send the army, they send very little. The government of Spain (socialist) is very criminal, and responsible for all this devastation and to remedy it.