Ok, first of all, if a fact is a fact, yes, just because its about someone who is evil, its still a fact. That does not justify his actions. And so we didnt, justify his actions. Man, you just proved my quote, "Facts itself is not in your peoples dictionary." He did not intend this to be a good thing, he intended this to be a fact. Now honestly, hy am i arguing with you on something that you dont even understand, as no amount of education can help your delusional mind.
Ah, yes, you called my videos fake, and yet you cry when i call your "Sources" rightfully propaganda, and made up. You have no right to call anyone's sources, made up. And in fact, all your sources can now be summarized by made up bullsh*t made by Jihadist propagandist, you couldn't accept the truth. Just like you. "hey just happened to be getting the camera out, and just conveniently wandered into a child’s bedroom and went to a couple of conveniently placed bags to see a Mein Kampf book and weaponry. Definitely don’t think about it for more than 5 seconds, they definitely didn’t just place it there." Honestly, i dont even need to say anything to show how dumb this claim is. Soldiers are often required now a days to have go pro on them, to see what happened if they were accused of a crime, or if they were to die in combat, and the IDF isn't the only army that uses this. So obviously, when they raided these homes, they found the Mein Kampf books in camera, sorry, the word isnt the Jihad Lala land, you want it to be. This is reality. If IDF soldiers placed it their, where your proof? Why is the copy in Arabic, and not in Hebrew? As last time i checked, the common language IDF soldiers use are Hebrew. You bold accusations are not helping your arguments, a child can break down your lies. In fact, your lies are being exposed, and debunked in an industrial scale, so dont even try to use your other Jihad sources, you have, because its not hard to make propaganda sources, but its not hard to debunk it with common sense. Also, im going to continue this reply, showing the blanton lies and atrocities Hamas has committed against their own civilians, and the world.