I dont really like Emosnake he seems mean and spire could have had a better reason that he didnt feel comfortable saying so he thought of something else to use as a smokescreen or whatever and that was what he thought of i've been in similar situations where I lied because I felt unsafe or uncomfortable telling the truth
Oh ok so just typical MSMG jumping on the opportunity to mercilessly harass anyone that's different or anyone they dont like or anyone that doesnt worship the ground that someone that they do like walks on
You are saying this as a person who has never held a gun b4 in his life, yeah you probaly beat th shit out of me if i got close enough to your fists or a knife but unless ur throwing skills account for 300 feet and are faster than a bullet
Thank you! :)
Hes a great bf and he moves out soon and so do i so we making plans to live together and get married one day :)
also damn your like the one nice person in this thread so thank you!
He no longer identifies as enby, but rather as a trans male.
He goes but s different name (no i wont tell you what it is)
He/him is the correct pronouns