i find it interesting that they keep pushing things to the next extreme so that even some of their progressives are turned off
like when they first started pushing transgenderism into the public square, even some gays were like "we're just fighting for the right to be with who we want to be with, we're not arguing biology" and now they're pushing this and a lot of people are saying it's not okay
even now how the bop house members promote content to children and then link OF channels on it is turning a lot of people off, and all these people coming out with minor grooming allegations is starting to make people reconsider if making p0rnhub was a good choice all those years ago
it's a very sinister plan, since s3x is addictive; you get ppl hooked to p0rn, then make weird fetish videos to feed the more wild people, then they get wild with their fetishes and then you make communities out of all the fetishes and the world now becomes a wild freaky place where everyone's s3xuality determines their personality, because frankly, that's all they know since they've been addicted since they were extremely little. Then if people take issue with the fetishes, make it into a personal attack so you never have to think about anything and can just write off all criticism as bullying and hatred. And voila, you have a world full of freaky fetishes and now undoing it is going to be very difficult. It would be like if 80% of the country was on heroin and we all knew it was unhealthy but getting rid of it would piss off 70% of the population.
i think the final goal is a world where s3x is just not considered anything and everyone sleeps with everyone and no one thinks anything of it
they probably want a diddy party to be a staple for the world to follow.