Name: Jeffrey Stone
Current Location: 1647 Wilmott Ave, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Previous known address(es): 5818 50th Ave, Kenosha, WI 53144
Age: 66
Physical Appearance: Grey haired, wears glasses, thin. Hair (usually) sliced back.
Registered in the national sex offender registry: No (as of 11/5/2023) (Search performed 7/26/2023 2:50 PM EDT) 6 offenders registered by name Stone, Jeffrey. None fit criteria to be in fact, this individual.
Extra information: Currently in a relationship with a 15 year old, known on many websites like Quora and Imgflip for pedophilia and crossdressing selfies.
Gender: Unknown (Crossdresser)
Additional notes: Jeffrey Stone is a crossdresser active on forum websites like Quora in 18+ communities, but also on 13+ communities like Imgflip. His Facebook account was deleted, although he has yet to be apprehended by authorities. His Quora account (Jeffrey-Stone-96) is still up.
5/11/2023 update: A new account of Jeffrey's on Reddit (u/Fickle-Butterfly-338) was found, more evidence of him posting NSFW in communities with minors.