So there was drama with a user named DeadAndRetired, also known as ShadowRatAndShadowCat, who overprotected and basically groomed a user named Stolen_Toast and was annoying in general (he roleplayed annoyingly and announced „you lost a follower MSMG“ thinking anyone would give a f**k)
And a user named harumokkapati was dickriding the entire stream, and I don’t mean that in a Tako way but rather in a TCK way with creating an entire Anti MSMG stream and making stupid claims like calling MSMG users KKK members
Then, one of the most relevant news: Rager got exposed for cheating on Swede, sending D pics to three users and grooming 30 others
Also Tako finally disappeared
And Batim got exposed for having a yiff stream full of minors (whatever the hell yiff means)
Also Texas and I adapted Yoshi’s voting games, our voting games were declared official, and they ended with 16 seasons in total
And like Tiffla said, all the banned users were unbanned
And Green Leader groomed people
Also were you there when the Scarf incident happened?