Celsius without looking where he was skating runs over her foot. He says sorry but pauses for a bit since he finds Cecil cute. Cecil doesn't even say anything because she found him cute as well and she's very shy. Celsius apologies again and awkwardly skates off dropping a flyer for Scarborough punk fest for the night of the following day.
Cecil holds her foot for a bit as her heart rate increases. She felt butterflies that evening she asks her boyfriend to go to the punk fest with her. Which he agreed.
The night of the punk fest it's a show of all local talents. A girl comes up to her boyfriend and starts flirting as if she knew him well. Which she realizes he was cheating on her. Cecil storms off into the crowd with tears in her eyes until she sees the next band...
Cel 32 is Celsius' band and they were gonna play some songs from big-time artists like blink-182, Paramore and My chemical romance (Cecil's favorite band). They play "famous last words" by MCR which is her all time favorite song and she carefully watches Celsius. The band comprised of a singer who sometimes played piano, a bassist, a chord guitarist and lead. Celsius was the lead.