its in the very far future tho. when smg5 got possessed, he went SAVAGE! just like Korrina's lucario in pokemon and some characters in zootopia when they got shot with the stuff! (SMG-5 went like that too as he shares aura with SMG5)
anyway heres some teams i came up with for a very far future project i have deemed as new stupid mario bros wii:
team turtysquishers (mario luigi and mark)
team memers (smg4 smg3 and bob)
team weaboos (axol melony and boopkins)
team altfist (tari meggy and miga)
team robotic (echo computer and clench)
team goresting (sth5 bubby and caffeine)
team smol (jubjub mukmuk and eggdog)
team snowstorm (quatchi dash and sumi)
more coming soon!
alr! i would love to see computer and clench get up to stuff lol! (echo is described as a psychopath who soon grows to love clench. interaction and i discussed it)