The wind howled as an old man, raggedy and unmaintained dragged Stephansky's lifeless body into his tiny shack. He would get a fire started. He already noticed the Stephansky was still breathing and had a huge scar on his chest. Stephansky would open his eyes, unfocused.
"So, your finally awake" The old man would say.
"who.. are you?" Stephansky would respond, inching his way towards the fire.
"Somebody who sure as hell didnt win the lottery" He would chuckle as he leaned back on his rocking chair
"I should probably be asking who you are, I dont know how the hell you survived that wound of yours, couldn't even put stitches in you, your skin was like metal. But I guess your wound healed itself up pretty fast, you must've been poked by thos TROLL CO folks awhile back."
"Wh... why did you save me...." Stephansky would respond
"Aw hell, how am I supposed to live with a good conscience if I had left you there to die? All work of the good lord helped you patch up your wounds anyways." The old man would say
"Please, what has religion ever done for me... I lost my family, My friends.."
The old man would cut him off