its always my f**king fault for something my brother does. everytime he goes into my room he always wants something and when i tell him no he always throws a tantrum. He always tries to keep our dog Addy away from me like shes some kind of virus. And guess what? My parents always think hes playing. Of course they think hes such a golden little angel while they probably think im a f**king burden to them. "HES 5 YOUR 15!!" SO F**KIN WHAT?
"Hes just playing/exploringn!" then why is he trying to always take my shit.
"Leave him alone!" So what he can pull something down and get crushed? Yeah no im not getting blamed for that.
Just earlier i was sitting by the dog petting her and my brother told me to stay away from her or hes gonna get my dad to take my phone. (like thats gonna f**king happen.) When i didnt, he started to try to choke me by my hood since i am wearing a hoodie, and i started to feel my air getting shorter so i jabbed him in the stomach to get him to stop. He goes running with some fake f**king cry and tells my parents, while i try and explain my side. Of course they didnt f**king listen. So now my TV and Xbox is gone again because "yOU SHoUldNT TrEAt hIM liKe a BAd KId!!!" he was about to choke me out WHAT DID YOU WANT ME TO DO.