Blook steps into the ring against the massive THP, ready for battle but still scared by TheHugePigs intimidating presence. Rather than fight, Blook approaches him, rubbing his hand on TheHugePigs chest. "We don't have to fight, we could do something... more fun" He says seductively. "Nothing will be more fun than ripping your head off" THP replies, grabbing Blook by his throat. Blood gasps for air, unable to escape, he kicks TheHugePig right in the nuts, but little did he know TheHugePig has nuts made of steel, and this kick broke his foot.
Blook attempts a last gasp effort, Jumping up onto TheHugePigs shoulders and whipping out a pistol, shooting him 8 times in the head, but the bullets just bounce off THP, He is an absolute unit. TheHugePig looks up and smirks, "that tickles" he says, grabbing the pistol out of blook's hands and eating it. TheHugePig then grabs Blook by his "junk" and says deviously "you want to get romantical? Fine by me." He rips his cock and balls clean off. Blook cries as he watched THP eat his franks and beans. He dies shortly after, unable to live without his "little friend" and TheHugePig smiles as he is victorious.