I find myself a side-street that leads straight into the mouth of the forest, and I pray that’s actually gonna lead to this thing. Most of the car is pretty busted. Screen is broken, and there’s some shards of broken glass on the floor. I had to break the window open to get the keys. Thankfully, i’m not daft. I broke the passenger seat window. If I broke the windshield or driver seat window, something could crawl in and claw my guts out before I have a chance to grab my gun. Which reminds me to put my gun on the dashboard instead of my bag. For convenience. I run a quick check in my mind of possible scenarios that could happen and make sure I have counters to them. Most of them involve running a zombie over or driving away. But, I do make a point to myself about rough terrain. I have no idea how far this road goes into the forest. I know the crash site wasn’t on a road, and this is a sedan i’m driving. Not a Jeep. Eventually i’ve got to get out. Eventually.
Around 3-4 minutes into the drive, at least a mile into the forest, I come across a bridge. Wooden one. Could hold up a car, but then again. Last time I came across a wooden bridge I fell in, got completely soaked in the middle of February, lost a shoe, almost broke my leg, and fell into a canal and had to crawl 2 miles in a sewage pipe to get out. But then again, there’s no way past. But then again again, it’s over a river. Does not look very multiple-year-old-car-not-made-for-off-road-travel-friendly. So I end up taking the gamble, and driving as fast as I can over it, on the off chance it does collapse on the spot, so I might have a chance to make it over before I plummet to my demise. But all this thinking was for nothing. And now as i’m driving I notice something new. In the orange and red blurs of the leaves in the trees, there’s something moving around, crawling on all fours. Probably just a squirrel. Really big squirrel…