"Well, we each have our ideas. Two in total. Both aren't without their drawbacks but they're better than just leaving that monster roaming freely." ANYTHING was better than letting Jimmy roam freely, actually. Reina put her fist in her palm.
"The first idea is just taking him out, here and now. Axe to the skull. Of course, that gets all of us in trouble when we land, and god knows where we'd keep the body." The resorting to murder plan was feeling more and more irrational as she explained it out loud. Honestly, it had only ever seemed rational in the vague instant Curly made the plan to begin with. "Then again, if we're losing our jobs anyways it may as well be for something worth it."
"As for the second plan, we could use one of the cryo pods as a sort of stasis prison. We keep the co-pilot frozen until we get home, explain the situation, and send him off to face whatever consequence the law has for him. The problem is that it occupies one of an already inadequate number of pods that could be used by someone who deserves it in a worst case scenario. And knowing Pony Express, we'll get docked to hell for 'misuse of resources' or whatnot if we got back with him frozen."
Reina drew in a long breath. It was a strain on the vocal chords, being the plans and consequences guy. It was also a lot to drop on Anya when she certainly wasn't expecting half an essay. "We're not expecting you to make any decisions if you aren't ready. And I doubt these are our only options. Whatever it is you need, Miss Anya."