Trolls villains motivations; I'm so entitled I believe its my right to erase countless cultures and brainwash people for the rest of their lives; all because I think the Troll tribes have to all be friends even tho they were perfectly fine living as separate peaceful factions. I was willing to gleefully torture people to death just out of love for money and fame and because I didn't wanna have an awkward conversation with my sister; I was willing to stand by and let people be tortured to death just because I didn't wanna have the inconvenience of finding a new Job; Trolls writers; "" meh its no big deal everyone deserves a second chance ""; I DIDN'T WANT TO DIE; Also The Trolls Writers; "" YOU EVIL PIECE OF SHIT YOU DESERVE TO DIE EVEN HARDER NOW YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST TAKEN IT LIKE A MAN YOU PUSSY ""