There are around 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 possible seeds. That’s over 18 Quintillion seeds, if you expect me to name every single one then clearly you don't love minecraft enough to know basic facts.
Therefore, I have proved that I love Minecraft, and you don't.
And if a bot does that, it won't fit the space of a regular hard drive. And if it's petabytes big, then you still can't copy and paste because it's too big and there is a maximum limit on letters you can comment.
A valid world seed for Minecraft can, and only can, be a signed 64-bit integer. This means that there are 18446744073709551616 possible Minecraft seeds, valid values for which consisting of any integer from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807. Typing all of these numbers would require superhuman patience and advanced hardware beyond whatever an average civilian may possess. While it is definitely possible to do so with the proper tools, it would not belong on any random corner of the internet, certainly not a comment on some random dying meme generator.