It's all made up by me
The incident:
July 21, 2024, 13 days after the user name change.
MC received a message from the Deikmann UTTP telling him to "search Male Cara imgflip" on Bing. And he found keywords that were really disgusting. the keywords were something like "n4k3d p***s pics of Male Cara". MC WAS 14 YEARS OLD! Luckily, it remained text. As soon as he saw the keywords of himself, he cried. He even told his cousin and their parents. He tried to call the FHC. But they were busy. And a few hours later, it went on the news. Lots of people were protesting because they want the keywords removed. But the cheese pizza keywords are not removed until now. MC was traumatized by this incident ever since. And he never wanted to be called Male Cara again.