ECONOMY? An Uninvited
Guest Editorial
by HCWv2.0; The easiest way to accelerate ecoomic
growth and productivity is through
industry deregulation. Industries are
already adjusting their activities and
agendas in anticipation of Trump retaking
office in January.
Why are industries regulated? History
shows that unregulated industries take
advantage of consumers, they treat
their employees unfairly, and they can
do serious damage to the environment.
Regulations protect the public by
holding US corporations accountable.
How does deregulation work? When
the government suspends the laws that
industries must follow, corporations
shift their focus to operations that
maximize profits at the expense of fair
worker compensation and safety, product
quality and safety, and waste management.
In short, there are short-term benefits
in terms of jobs and shareholder profits,
but overall the public and the planet are
screwed until the laws are reinstated. Want to know
more about why
you voted for
the wrong party?
Let me know in
the comments!