Game 1: White vs OwenA2010
I played the Kings Pawn opening, but he decided to go ahead and play Nh6, beginning the Hippopotamus opening. I continued developing, protecting my e pawn with Nf3. He played f5. The game wouldn't go on much longer as on my 7th move I captured his queen and he resigned.
Game 2: Black vs AhSelFirst
He began with the Van 't Kruijs Opening. The game was hard fought but he ended up checkmating me in 33 moves.
Game 3: White vs damxxx00
I'm really proud of this one. I had tried to play the Halloween Gambit, but he pulled a few curveballs. It didn't matter, as on move 41, I had taken all of his pieces besides his king, and on move 49, I played Qg6#, ending the game. I only had 1 mistake, 0 blunders, and 0 misses.
Game 4: Black vs signaltron
This was quick one as I had to go after 5 minutes. He didn't CHECKMATE me, but I did resign.
Game 1:
Game 2:
Game 3:
Game 4:
I end today with 247 ELO.
Follow to make me suffer!