Sometimes I go so insane that I try making up scenarios in my head. Not about the apocalypse, because that’s depressing. About ordinary life. Today i’m dreaming about going to a coffee shop. I spot a building on my 3. The sign above the door is simply labeled “COFFEE”. I don’t mind, I can pretend it says something else, and that the skeleton on the counter is the cashier. I don’t have any money to give him. Guess i’m robbing the place. And then, my delusions are interrupted as I hear a crash from behind. First zombie of the night. It’s broken down the bathroom door and it makes a beeline towards me, but it has a bad case of tunnel vision and in it’s crazed sprint, trips over a table and can only claw it’s way towards me, giving me time to shoot it. I reckon it took about 2 shots for the thing to die. I take a face mask out of my bag as to not catch the infection through my mouth or nose. I don’t know why I hadn’t put it on before. I got caught red-handed, without a mask. The zombie looks good, but not actually, just compared to other ones i’ve seen. No holes in its skin, no missing limbs, aside from some of its left… no wait that it’s right… it’s right hand, which has had the skin peeled off of it, exposing the innards. It’s mostly been itched into oblivion, showing you all those bones and nerves. Yucky. I notice it has a wristband, but I don’t feel like getting close enough to examine it. The infection can spread just through proximity, let alone contact. All I can read on it is a triangle-arrowy symbol and the words “Patient”, and then the words cut off.
Something is definitely wrong here.