"It’s as if the corrupt, compromised, brain-dead, MK Ultra mouthpieces in the media don’t know we can look up full quotes in context ourselves. 🙄 Almost all of MSM has given up the charade they have even a shred of journalistic integrity, but I’m not sure why they continue to pull this crap. The 15 percent of the country who still believe any of their BS are already solidly in the Kamala camp. The sad thing is, they’re really giving a Trump administration a get-out-of-jail-free card to do almost anything without losing support of his base. In other words, when you shoot every bit of your credibility for 9+ years and report one-sided news stories 100 percent of the time, if and when an action is taken that deserves to be called out, no one is going to listen.
This also is a good illustration why censorship is unnecessary. When a source consistently lies & distorts, people eventually stop trusting anything they say, so people tune out the source themselves. Of course, the Left wants to only censor the ones that expose their bullshit, but even if they successfully did that, as with Covid, it only multiplies the mistrust of the remaining allowed sources."