More disturbing facts! I was born in 1999, the last year before 2000. I'm non-religious. One day, I'll stop posting on imgflip. When I start school, I will probably post less frequently. I know a user that has been on Imgflip since 2011. I don't even know if imgflip was around then. 2010 was 14 years ago. iPhones weren't invented yet in 2005. We are closer to 2035 than 2010. There's a 10% chance that humans will go extinct by 2100. My parents blocked me from YouTube. I will probably not reach 1 million followers. I will probably not reach 100 followers on Reddit before my 25th birthday (Which is only in 5 days). Halloween is in 6 days. I only have 2 followers... Help... In 8 billion years from now, the Sun will become a white dwarf. That's how the solar system will end. You will probably get cancer at least once in your lifetime. Everything has an end to it. After the universe ends, it will be 10^10^10^56 years before the next big bang. the universe is bigger than you think. There are REAL haunted houses in the world. This is the scariest phase for me. There were times when humanity almost went extinct. The black death pandemic was the worst pandemic ever. It was WAY worse than COVID-19. You could probably not even imagine it.