After two full weeks of preparation, the invasion finally came. It reached the pair while eating lunch when suddenly the glass of the building was shredded by machine gun fire. Jacques pushed Calista and the man they were eating with onto the ground. They rushed out panicked as soldiers scrambled to the defenses.
Unlike the other leaders who gave orders through radio he was firing artillery while shouting orders with his own voice. Once the mines have been cleared they had found a weak spot the defenses. And artillery shell struck two antitank nests paving the way for a donated Chinese experimental tank. It had shock absorbing armor so that most shells wouldn't even explode upon contact, an explosive machine gun and two heavy turrets along with a regular machine gun.
Jacques stepped up and walked right to the tank and stood less than a hundred meters away. He shouted to it so the crew would be taunted. It worked one of the turrets started to aim at him. The battlefield grew silent. The Yugoslavs wanting to see the tank fire and the Italians watching one of their leaders fall.