New template; A pattern that is recently developed is used as a guide to make something; A pattern that is currently developed present tense now used as a structure either otherwise marking which directs the motion either otherwise positioning expressing the relationship between a part and a whole something to form something by creating it; A repeating decorating design that is currently developed present tense now used as a structure either otherwise marking which directs the action either otherwise a series of actions either otherwise steps taken in order to achieve a particular end of moving otherwise being moved either otherwise positioning expressing the relationship between a part and a whole thing that is unspecified either otherwise unknown to form a thing that is unspecified either otherwise unknown by creating it; A repeating decorating design that object over there currently exists currently developed present tense at this current point in time used just as a structure either otherwise marking which directs the action either otherwise a series of actions either otherwise steps taken in order to achieve a particular end of moving otherwise being moved either otherwise positioning expressing the relationship between a part in addition to a whole object that object over there currently exists unspecified either otherwise unknown to form a object that object over there currently exists unspecified either otherwise unknown by creating it