I'll try to dissect your tissue of mis-assumptions here:
<as someone who finds religion to be an ugly lie perpetrated on the world>
You "find", as in: you investigated it, studied it, was raised since child-hood as 'Christian' and received Bible study or catechesis, for years and years, apparently, and came to the conclusion that the bible is a work of mere fiction by---
<mere mortals hundreds of years after Jesus lived and died>
Ignoring that the Old Testament portion of the Bible is at least 5000 years old and is actually a collection of books: Containing narratives, history as the writers knew it, poetry, genealogies, wisdom sayings, moral teachings. Oh, yeah, allegory. And the New Testament, the gospels were written no later than 100 years after the crucifixion and St. John who the last apostle to die, wrote the Book of Revelation approximately 40-50 years afterwards. That being said:
It doesn't seem like you are familiar with the Bible at all, for even a former believer. Not that I care, but when you are so dismissive and flippant about something you hardly know about much less read you don't come across as very credible.
<We give the church tax free status> Yes, tax free status, per the the Bill of Rights, else Christians, Buddhists or Muslims majorities could tax each other into oblivion.
<these' lies' tell us we are to forgive others for their "sins" and even pray for them to become better people> Yes, Matthew 18:21-22, if you want to be forgiven by our heavenly Father.
That is, assuming you believe in God. I'm assuming you don't and you probably don't know the passage.
< but if we acknowledge ppl who are knowingly, repeatedly and unapologetically doing wrong>
if you don't believe in God, I'm assuming you don't believe in objective morality. You have no basis for judging right and wrong, but your "feels" or maybe social consensus which are shifting sands. Yes. You are self-righteous in every sense of the word.