Pov it’s 3am a horror story; You wake up from the dream; It’s 2:59; You released that you are still in the dream; You run downstairs; This time there is no rain and there is no one tapping on the window; You check around the house; Your parents are still not in the house; You check the basement; You look around the basement; Something catches your eye; There is dead body’s around the basement; You run back upstairs; You run outside; The man isn’t there this time; You go to the city that you and your mom went to; You check the abandoned house; Your mom is dead; You start to freak out; You run out the abandoned house; You start to panic; Suddenly you start to faint; You wake up in a hospital; You see your parents aren’t dead; Your friends are still not there; The doctor comes back with the results; He says that you are gonna die; You panic again; You hold your moms hand; Your eyes shut very slowly; You have died; That’s everything thanks for listening bye :D; Bottom text; Bottom text; Bottom text; Bottom text; Bottom Texarkana