Part 2: Hellborn Demons
Hellborns are demons that were born inside Hell. Hellborns are more important then most Sinners, being superior. Hellborns do have similar abilities to Sinners, but are WAY more powerful. A Hellborns appearance also is decided on which Layer they were born in. ALL Hellborns also do have horns of many shapes, sizes, and sometimes colors. There are also many unique classes in the Hellborn variants in which i will list.
Ferryman: Usually guides Sinners to certain parts of Hell. A majority are seen on big ships in the Envy Layer.
Ringleader: Ringleaders are the leaders of their respective layer. Each one embodies the sin they rule and are the ones to report to Lucifer whenever a issue arises.
Citizens: Citizens are the majority of the Demons, almost acting like humans but more brutal.
Punishers: These demons are usually the ones torturing Sinners during their punishment.