Well, we're here for comment disablers who disables comments on all of their posts. People enabling comments don't count.
1 up, 5mo,
1 reply
Well, we're here for the ACTUAL comment disablers. The ones who disables comments on EVERY SINGLE MEME THEY MAKE! Some who enables comments don't count.
could you ban this guy though? imgflip.com/user/...clarencespangle...
they make politics stream ass memes and post them onto msmg which no one found funny, and disables comments on their posts (except their posts in politics stream*
Nah, it's just funny to see how you guys made the stream when you guys literary disabled the comments to defend shadow's crush aka cheese pizza artist aka idk15. Just let them go do their thing. Imagine this post ending up ratioing your followers.
Listen up, I don't give a f**k about your whining about skibidi alts and comment disablers, just let them do their thing alright?! Now, if you reading this, person who doesn't follow this stream, I wouldn't recommend following this worthless, piece of shit, useless stream! They are snowflakes! They will harass comment disablers because they disable comments! Doesn't mean they scared of opinions, it means if someone gonna harass someone. And hey mods! How about I disable comments? What are you going to do? Ban me? That's right mods, just read the meme, what did it say, huh? To be honest dumb_benotix or snowflake_benotix is really harasser, imagine a new skibidi fan joining this wonderful site to get harass. We must welcome skibidi fans! Now please, delete this useless stream because let comment disablers do their thing!