Matt: I was watching this show... the one with the boy and the dog. And I was really into it. Watched every episode 24-7. Until this one afternoon, and suddenly, like, something broke. It was just like... pixels. the characters on the screen… I felt like I knew them; they weren't people anymore. They were just shapes. And their lines were just things someone had written: they never existed, they never had feelings. They never would exist, either. And it felt so sad, like I’d just lost these real people, and this whole thing we had, it was just… me. Alone. And like that realization dumped out of the screen and into real life. The jacket I wear? The one where I thought was a symbol of what I stood for? It was just a jacket now. And there was some guy walking by, and he was just shapes, just...this moving bulk of... stuff. And I cried, because nothing was there for me anymore. It was all just stuff. Stuff in the universe, just... dead.