"AITA for killing (murdering) my (54M) family (3 people)?"
Ok (okay) so Reddit (www.reddit.com/r/amitheasshole), yesterday (the day before today (the day that is currently (right now) occurring)) I (46M) got into a heated (angry) argument (fight) with my (54M) wife (42F, my betrothed, married 30 years ago). She (42F) told me (54M) that she (42F) would call (use the phone to get in contact with) the cops (police) for beating our son (12M). I (54M) got angry (mad) and took out my (54M) shotgun (Remington 870 12 gauge with sighted cylinder bore barrel) and shot her 2 (two) times. Once (1 time) in the chest (center of mass) and once (1 time) in the head (killshot). In a fit of rage (very mad), I (54M) went up the stairs (8 steps) and killed (murdered) my (54M) son (12M) and daughter (8F).
The next morning (dawn of the next day), the cops (police) arrest me (54M).
So, Reddit, am I the asshole?