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Eliminate Kingsman Chapter One

Eliminate Kingsman Chapter One | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
123 views 5 upvotes Made by huh_neat 4 days ago in Imgflip-bossfights
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It was a day like any other. The streets were busy, the market was all set up, and the crowd was growing. Every sunday, the market would come into town, and two cloaked figures walk through the crowd.
Cloak figure one: Dude, are you sure this will work
Cloak figure two: Trust me, we got backup in case things go south.
The two figures walk up to one of the stands, selling kebabs.
Cloak figure two: This place sells the best kebabs. They only appear every 5 years. I had one with Eren a long time ago! You have to try one!
Cloak figure one: Uh… okay…
They walk up to order as multiple men in suits watch them. Two girls in suits hide behind a building in order to watch the two cloaked figures.
Girl 1: A-are you sure t-these are the right p-people?
Girl 2: I’m confident! The boss will never lie!
Girl 1: u-uh… okay… s-so do we just w-wait…
Girl 2: Of course we do, dumbass! We can’t just go into there and attack them! Keep it low profile!
Girl 1: L-low profile… g-got it…
After getting their kebabs, the two cloaked figures were walking around the streets
Cloak figure one: Huh. you were right. These are really good
Cloak figure two: See? I’m telling you,it was so worth it to go outside for this.
They pass by a wall with wanted signs all over it
“Wanted! Matt Kingsman! Bring us his corpse for 10 BILLION dollars!”
Cloak figure one: wow they really have it out for you
Cloak figure two: Yep. Lets keep moving before anyone recognizes us
They nod to each other and keep moving. The two girls in suits continue walking towards them until they bumped into a guy just passing by
Man: O-oh sorry
Girl 1: I-it’s quite alri-
GIrl 2: What the hell is wrong with you? Are you blind you dumbass?
Man: Wha- but I was just
The girl pushes the guy into a stand, causing a loud crash. The cloaked figures turn as the two girls just stare back.
Cloak figure two: …
He stares at the symbol on the two’s jackets
Cloak figure two: Scarab?
The girl with the scared attitude looks up and nods as the other girl dusts herself off
Girl 2: Kingsman! Reveal yourself! I will bring you down and make sure the future my father predicted never happened!
Girl 1: Sutesu! Calm down!
Abilities: Shadow Manipulation
Occupation: Security for Scarab
Sutesu: Dang it, Linda! I told you to keep us low profile! But noooo! You just had to use my name!
Abilities: Lighting manipulation(?)
Occupation: Secretary for Scarab
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Sutesu: This is why the boss only lets you do paperwork and not anything important! You’re lucky I even brought you here
Cloak figure one: Sutesu…? I swore I heard that name befor-
Cloak figure two: Yeah yeah, save the flashback for another time
The figure tosses off the cloak revealing his appearance. Linda looks at the figure. The brown hair, the gray jacket with yellow buttons… It was him.
Matt: Bring it on.
Awakening: Vessel of Ares
Occupation: Leader of the Street Crashers
Sutesu blows a whistle as all of the men in suits rush towards Matt. In response, Matt grabbed the other cloaked figure and dashed through them, punching his way in. The cloak on the other guy falls off revealing his blue hair and headphones
Spark: Aw man… I spent 50 bucks on both of those…
Abilities: being smart and looking feminine
Occupation: too many to mention.
Matt: I’ll pay you back later, don't worry, let's go!
As Sutesu watched the two run off, she realized something… that boy with the headphones… But she quickly snapped out of her train of thought and ran after the two. 4 guards blocked their way as Matt just stared at them pissed off.
Matt: I don’t have time for you guys!
He raises his hand as a black coating surrounds it as he waves his hand towards their direction, causing a huge gust of wind to knock them back. As they continued running they realized they had a problem
Spark: Dead end!
Matt: Not a problem for us!
His hands lose the coating as it forms onto his feet
Spark: Please don’t tell me you’re about to-
Matt stomps onto the ground as it propels them into the air, causing Spark to start screaming. Unfortunately this alerted the Scarab agents who quickly rushed to the roofs. As Matt lands onto a building, leaving a small crater, he puts Spark down.
Matt: Did you have to yell?
Spark: You didn’t give me a warning!
They hear a door slam open as a very pissed off Sutesu stares at them down.
Sutesu: Don’t move, Kingsman!
She lifts her hands up and walls made out of shadows form around them, trapping both Matt and Spark
Sutesu: I got you now you little- Hey wait a minute… didn’t he say there were 5 of you?
Matt: Well yeah but she’s still slacking off.
Sutesu: uh… okay?
Matt: Unfortunately for you,
He smirks as gunshots are heard from afar
Matt: She had 12 hours of sleep last night
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Sutesu turns to the noise and is suddenly hit by an energy bullet, ruining her concentration as Matt and Spark run off, hopping from building to building. From the distance on another roof, a woman with yellow eyes and yellow hair is sniping the Scarab agents below.
Awakening: Energy Manipulation: Almight Type
Occupation: Right hand man of the Street Crashers
As she continued to fire at the agents, some of the agents got to her level and tried to fire a bullet at her. However it was deflected by a crystal appearing out of nowhere. The bullet ricochets back to the agent as another one stares at the cause. A woman with smooth blue hair, wearing a veil and a blue dress, with a gaze that would make any man or woman frightened was standing there surrounding Eren with crystals
Eren: Aw… thanks hon!
Awakening: Mineral Manipulation, Absolute Zero
Occupation: Musician and Member of the Street Crashers
Mercury nods as she summons her crystal sword to block the agents from attacking her dear Eren. Meanwhile, a group of agents and Sutesu ran to catch up with Matt on the ground.
Sutesu: They can’t get away much longer!
She runs into the shadows in order to teleport to their location, but when she gets there, she sees a purple haired woman, wearing a kimono humming and sharpening her katana.
Woman: I see… another woman going after my husband
Sutesu looks at the woman confused but pieced it together
Sutesu: You married that piece of shit?!
The woman looked ticked off as she stopped sharpening her sword and walked past her.
Woman: it seems that not only are you after him, you also don’t care about him and want to use him for personal game
Sutesu stares at her about to say something but…
Woman: Shhh… Don’t speak.
In a flash, she turns into a purple demon as her katana glows a bright violet and then back into her human form as she puts sheathes her sword
Woman: Let my blade do the judging.
With a small click, Sutesu feels a slash on her chest as she coughs up blood
Awakening: Hybrid Demon
Occupation: Singer and Member of the Street Crashers
Violet looked back as she suddenly smiles with joy
Violet: I did it Matt! Did you see that? I finally pulled it off!
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Matt, who was watching from the distance, smiles and shoots a thumbs up, causing Violet to blush
Violet: Oh Matt… you mean so much to me…
Matt: Alright now let's go!
Violet jumps down from the roof and so does Mercury, who is holding Eren’s sleeping body.
Matt: Burn out?
Mercury nods in response as they continue running. As they run they run into one last hurdle. Linda. She was holding a gun, however her hands were trembling as Matt just looked at her.
Spark: Don’t worry. She won’t shoot. The safety is still on
Linda looks at the gun, realizing Spark was right. She starts to cry under the pressure as she shakes erratically. Matt and the rest just walk around her as Spark pats her on the back. They then run back to Matt’s house where a certain yellowed hair man with a hat was waiting
Yellow haired man: There you are!
Abilities: Blood Manipulation, Swordsmanship
Occupation: Unemployed
Saike: What the hell happened to you guys?
Spark: He wanted to get some kebabs.
Matt: They only come around every 5 years. Can’t miss a single day.
Saike: …right… Anyways let's just go into your bunker
And so the gang head in as Mercury lays Eren down on the couch and kisses her goodnight. Rose, who was eating a cream puff as usual, perks up when she hears footsteps
Rose: Dad’s back!
Abilities: Swordsmanship, Curse Mark
Occupation: None
Matt: Hey kid! I got you a kebab to try!
He says, grabbing a napkin wrapped kebab from his jacket.
Rose: Yay!
As Rose feasted on the kebab, Matt gathered around the table and looked at the contents. It was a map of Scarab’s headquarters.
Matt: Alright. Let's plan this raid. Spark?
Spark, who was typing on the computer, looked up.
Spark: oh right!
He gets up from his desk and runs to the table as he explains the rooms
Spark: Over here is the cell room, where we think Heather is being held.
Saike: Wait wait wait… How are you guys certain that Heather’s disappearance is linked to this whole bounty hunt?
Matt: Where else would they get 10 billion dollars? Saving up?
Saike nods as he agrees with that logic. Spark continues
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Spark: Anyways, the entrance is right over there, but it’s heavily guarded. I think Mercury and Violet can deal with those guys. Then afterwards we run in and deal with the elites.
Mercury, Violet, and a very drowsy Eren head to the table to listen.
Spark: We don’t know any of the elites except for The Judge.
Saike: …I’m sorry who?
Violet: Oh he’s the no good person who thinks he’s the law! I tried to slash him one time and the slash appeared on me!
Mercury writes down on a piece of paper
Mercury: His ability is based on the concept of karma. What goes around, comes around. You can’t hurt this guy without hurting yourself.
Saike: I see… I think you guys are professionals at dealing with that guy. What else is there about the Elites?
Spark: Well I was thinking about the Gamemaster but we barely know anything about that guy. Other than the fact that he has some reality bending powers and some way to nullify every ability.
Saike: Yeah, I remember that guy. How’s your neck hanging there, Matt?
Matt looks at him unimpressed
Matt: haha. Anyways! We will come up with a plan to defeat the Elites when we get there! But now, we should probably go to sleep.
Eren: Finally!
She says stretching and falling to the floor. Spark and Mercury run to drag her to the couch as Matt and Violet get ready for the night. Before he got to bed, he went to the garden and picked a small herb from one of the plants. Frankincense. As he put it in his coat pocket, he heard a voice
???: How pathetic.
He turns around to see a mirror of himself, with red hair and black armor, staring down at him from a throne of skulls.
???: Relying on me to help you out in case you're unconscious?
Matt: I don’t plan on using this immediately.
???: Good.
The godly version of Matt smiles dementedly as his eyes glow bright red
Ares: I can’t wait to hear the sound of your head cracking open on the pavement.
And thus, the apparition fades away. Matt sighs as he goes back to bed with Violet. Meanwhile, Heather is in her cell, tired due to the constant lights
Abilities: Insane Luck, Shadow Inventory, Curse Mark.
Occupation: Gambler
She sighs as she hears a voice from the speaker.
Linda: I-I’m back
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Heather: Did Matthew kick your ass?
Linda: W-well mostly Sutesu’s but… kinda.
Heather: …You know when I can leave? These lights are giving me migraines…
Linda: Well…
She twirls her hair, trying to think.
Linda: I think we can get you out soon once the job is done.
Heather: Once the job is done, ONCE THE JOB IS DONE?!
She says as she stomps the ground in rage
Heather: If you even lay a finger on MY best friend, you have another thing coming!
Silence… and then soft crying from the speaker. Heathers expression immediately softens
Heather: H-hey… don’t cry… I’m sorry I was just so wrapped up I-
Linda: I-it’s fine… I-I was the only one y-you could put your a-anger on-
Their conversation was interrupted by Sutesu yelling for Linda to get back down to the lobby.
Heather: Oh okay…
The speaker clicks as Heather is now alone again… Meanwhile, Linda runs to the lobby to see Sutesu, extremely pissed off.
Sutesu: That was my shot. I could have proved to my dad that I was strong enough to be an elite! I just needed one of them dead but noooooo! You just had to have a little panic attack over a gun. Of course you did! This is why the boss always makes you do paperwork! Because you can’t handle the battlefie-
???: That's enough.
A voice is heard from the other room. As Linda and Sutesu walk in, they see all of the elites standing next to the ringmaster of all of this. The Boss.
Abilities: Curse mark
Occupation: Leader of Scarab.
The Boss: I take it that you failed to bring me the head of Kingsman?
Sutesu: Yes, father, and she was the-
Sutesu was about to point at Linda but The Boss holds up one hand and silences her.
The Boss: I don’t care who’s fault it was. I didn’t even want you to go on this mission. You’re too underprepared, too brash. It’s even hard to call you my daughter sometimes.
Sutesu says nothing to this and backs down.
Linda: S-sir! If I may?
The Boss sighs
The Boss: What is it, Linda?
Linda: I believe you got the wrong person! I’ve seen how Matt acted around his peers! He didn’t even want to hurt me even when I held him at gunpoint-
The Boss just walks up to her and grabs her shoulder firmly.
The Boss: How many times do I have to tell you? I’ve seen what happens in the future, I know what I’m doing is right.
A light shines at a mural behind The Boss’s throne. It shows an image of a figure, who looks identical to Matt, wreaking havoc among the citizens. The words on the mural read,
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“In order to to avoid becoming red mist, destroy the god who shouldn’t exist”
Linda doesn’t say anything to this and backs down
The Boss: Listen to your oracle, Linda. I’m the one who knows the outcome
The Boss returns to his throne as he waves his hand.
The Boss: The Elites will deal with your mess later.
???: Hold on… later?
Said a man with his face covered in bandages and a glowing green eye
Awakening: What Goes Around, Comes Around
Occupation: Elite of Scarab
The Judge: Why don’t we just attack them now? It would skip the whole hassle
???: Are you crazy, Judge? Where’s the fun in that?
Another man, sitting next to the judge stood up, patting him on his back.
Awakening: Showbiz, Confiscation
Occupation: Elite of Scarab and advertizer
The Gamemaster: Just let them have the time to prepare, so that way they will be able to give you a better fight!
???: I don’t suggest that. Those kids are smarter than you think
Said a man in a black suit, who looked extremely tired. He wasn’t there earlier…
Awakening: Teleportation
Occupation: Heather’s butler and Scarab Elite
Abraham: They could be preparing at this very moment. We could be in grave danger if they decided to strike…
Abraham turns to an empty chair, as if he was waiting for another voice to respond but… nothing
Abraham: Oh right… He’s gone
The Boss just sighs as he makes an announcement
The Boss: Well then, I must reveal I saw the future tomorrow. They plan to raid us tomorrow morning. So now that we have this info, we have time to prepare.
The sound of some sort of weapon clanging is heard from the shadows
The Boss: Oh yeah… He’ll be there too. Don’t worry.
In the shadows, a figure smiles. He gets up as he drags his trident across the ground. His wings spread behind him as if to symbolize peace and beauty, but the man himself was quite the opposite.
Abilities: ???
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
The Boss: Excellent. This war begins tomorrow.
After that meeting, Linda meets outside to wait for someone… And there she was, the angel sent from above.
Linda: Did y-you get the fan?
Amber: No… I wasn’t able to find a way to get inside… but I think I can get it tomorrow
Linda: P-Please do!
Abilities: Angel Magic
Occupation: Model
Amber: Will do.
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Linda: O-oh yeah! And A-amber?
Amber: yes
Linda: P-please lend Matt your help a-against the Boss…
Amber nods as she flies off, in search of the fan. Later, Linda walks back and gets into her dorm, but little does she know, she was being watched. A machine was watching her this entire time…. A machine whose only goal is annihilation
CTRL: …I remember you…
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Alright I’ll read it
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I love your stories. There so good!
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