Well, white people are not a real race, and we have no culture of our own.
Every race is a race of colour, or "people of colour", except white people. So, it's everyone on one side, whites on the other. Unless these assholes wake up one day feeling particularly stupid, in which case, Asians are suddenly kicked out of the "people of colour" classification and are thus dubbed "white".
This is the type of acceptable racism that racists spew to insulate themselves from the fact they are racists. They believe they cannot be racists.
It's called "The Kalergi plan", and the people orchestrating it will tell you it doesn't exist, that it is a conspiracy theory, and that you are a white supremacist for thinking it is real, and to stop noticing things with your own eyes. And the people benefiting from it will never know/see or care that it is real or not. Because they are being used to destroy everything we have.