So on February 7th 2023, I dreamed that I was going to the restroom, but a male_07 head popped out of the toilet. I looked outside and there were a hoard of these toilets, but these f**kers with camera as heads started to walk in and fight the toilets, but they we're getting overrun by toilets, but then a 10 story building tall camera f**ker flew in fighting off the toilets, but their leader with the G-man head defeated this titan. Soon these f**kers came but they had speakers instead of cameras. But their titan was infected by this toilet parasite that makes a hardware f**ker join the toilet's side, but these... let's get it the point, the TVf**kers came in, they're powerful, their titan tried fighting the G-man leader but the infected speaker titan broke his screen, it seems like there was no hope now, until a TV woman showed up and teleported me to the camera HQ (eh Loona is hotter than her) but soon after the toilets came raiding the base, but went badly to them because the Titan camera was already fixed and upgraded and he solos all of them, we we're heading to titan speaker, I met a camera woman too (ehh Loona hotter) but soon after, a strange floating toilet more advanced than any of the toilets I've seen before flew by and started shooting at the cameras, this titan camera chased it away, luckily it didn't shoot at this giant anti parasite tank, soon we're near the titan, but the Astro came back, titan cameraman chased it away again, but it was a trap, a skeleton toilet teleported in and spat on the tank with a acid, but we had to free the speaker, the speaker and camera titans fought, but camera almost lost, but then the TV woman teleported behind the speaker's neck and started stabbing the parasite, the camera held the speaker's hand firmly so he doesn't grab and destroy the TV woman, parasite f**king died and the speaker was free, for some reason two Astros tried killing the G-man leader, but this toilet mech ran by the head scientist toilet teleported in and damaged one of the Astros and they flew away, soon after I met this speaker woman (ehh loona hotter) now we're trying to get to G-man and scientist mech but we got the G-man, but it was a trap and the camera got heavily damaged, we got to their base but the mech and true G-man nearly beat the titans, but the upgraded TV titan teleported in and killed the scientist mech, but the pilot escaped back into the base