Mordecai is one of the main characters in the animated television show "Regular Show," which aired on Cartoon Network. He's a blue jay and works as a groundskeeper at a park alongside his best friend, Rigby, who is a raccoon. Mordecai is known for his laid-back personality and is often seen trying to balance his work responsibilities with his desire to have fun and relax.
Mordecai is generally more responsible than Rigby and sometimes acts as a voice of reason, though he also gets caught up in wild and bizarre adventures. His character often finds himself in absurd and surreal situations, which is a hallmark of the show’s humor. Despite his often responsible demeanor, Mordecai is also prone to making mistakes and getting involved in conflicts, particularly with his boss, Benson, and various other characters in the park.
The show is known for its offbeat humor and the way it blends everyday scenarios with supernatural and fantastical elements, and Mordecai is central to many of these escapades.