Perhaps I can set the surroundings in an infinite grid. Of sorts. As the player moves, large chunks around them are generated and remembered. They leave a sort of trail behind them as they walk of chunks that are remembered. However, if this trail grows too long, it will unload the furthest chunks so space may be made for more nearby chunks. This allows for immediate backtracking, but changes the surroundings furthest from you in a way that could prove purposefully disorienting. Like the halls themselves are changing, preventing cohesive maps from being made of such an impossible space. Of course If I want an effect that will be more noticeable I can always add a slight chance that a nearby chunk will regenerate itself if the player is looking away. Maybe I could generate “biomes” where the aesthetics as a whole change. Of course, I will need to work all the harder to make sure things don't get absolutely monotonous to the point where players are more on edge than annoyed. Still not sure how to do this exactly.