Chor: Alrighty! First, though, we gotta give him a special spa treatment to get that fur nice and neat. That'll prevent the wig from getting staticky. You in?
Chor: It'll be cool-looking thoooooooo, you get a cool sword and I get to fulfill part of my lifelong dream as a Final Fantasy fanatic. Would you rather I attempt the two later projects? Put ya in a dress and use tufts of your fur to make things taste sour?
(first time Chor's ever even CONSIDERED fashion)
HMMMMMMMMMMMMM *carefully observing the pretty boy speciman using the power of sight, hearing, and smell*
Chor: I want to prove that boys can be pretty without being artificially feminine. The dress will be for a LATER project. *combing da boyes spikey floof*