A feeling of dread washes over him. He stops, and turns around to start walking somewhere else. He walks past the building he just exited, passing people and- oh
"Oop, i'm sorry" Desmond says to the lady he just bumped into
"Oh, its fine" The woman gets up with the help of Desmond- wait... Atlas??
"Oh hey!" Desmond exclaims
"Oh Desmond! I didn't realize it was you, how's it been?" Atlas has been taking some time off of work so they haven't been able to talk in a while
"I've been good, you?"
"About the same, nothing much has happened"
"Thats good, I gotta go though, catch up later?"
"Yea of course!"
"Ok, see ya!" Desmond excitedly says as he keeps going, but then he remembers where he's going. He starts jogging on the rough cement. Soon he arrives at a broken down firehouse (like ghostbusters just for a visual reference), and enters. Steadily Desmond walks across the moldy cracked floors, and looks over at an old desk. Theres some papers on it. He walks over to them, and reads a note on the front: "Kill her." Accompanied with the note is a couple photos, an address, and a gun. He takes the gun, puts it in his pocket, and puts the other information in his other pocket. He walks through the broken down part of the city, abandoned houses and not so abandoned ones. As he walks, it gets nicer and nicer, until it's a normal suburban neighbourhood, Desmond being illuminated by streetlights and the moon. He finally arrives at the address, where he sees all the lights off, and no movement. He looks around the house, looking for an easy way in, and he finds a window that wasn't latched. He slides the window open, and silently slides in. He walks over to the bedroom, going slowly not to wake her. He opens her door, and sees her sleeping in her bed. Closing the door behind him, he sneaks over to where she is, and when he's there, he pulls the gun out of his pocket. He aims it at her head.. and.. he.. can't..