I’ve heard you’ve been harrasing a user ik just because he didn’t care about your opinion huh?
Tell me why you and your family did a GTA 5 heist on the T grizzly’s diamond-f**kin’-encrusted testicle, my boy, you look like a double-dipped, chocolate chip, cleft-lip, charcoal slim jim with a gargamel nose, a Mr. Crocker hunch back, no f**kin’ feet, nine-arm, seven-stomachs, two ball fades, your stepdad beat you with a whiffle ball bat. You’re curled up into a ball like an autistic bakugan. You live in a sophisticated mud hut, your washing machine is a bucket of water that you shake, and you brush your teeth with your grandpa’s back scratcher and you floss your teeth with zipline cables. I caught you jerking off in a porta potty with a Thanos gauntlet on while your grandmother got **simultaneously** buttf**ked by a clan of chimpanzees dressed up as The Wiggles while she was snorting cott- f**king, Keemstar’s cotton candy Gfuel off of the back of a dirty toilet seat my boy, you are really ugly like shit. You are a walking glitch, “dJ tRuNkS”. Every time your Dad asks you a question at dinner, you say “okay, DRRRRRRRR”, and start f**kin’ lagging, you f**kin ugly ass boy, you breathe like shit boy, ugly ass boy. And I caught you giving a reverse cow rimjob to your tickle-me Elmo doll, and that bitch was like “Elmo! AUHH”, DUMBASS BOY run that shit back