Being here for an incredibly small portion of time is a far cry from being occasionally inactive. My point is that you have spent little to no time actually interacting with the little community that was formed here, and instead see fit to stomp it into the dust, be it on purpose or not. Good owners have a decent understanding of the streams community, history, etc and have played a positive part in such matters. You as owner however are distancing yourself from the place, and using your position as only that of power. Having a knowledge and understanding of the rules is important, sure, but so is being a considerably decent person to the ones you oversee and fitting within the mold of said community you are enforcing. You overall are more fit for moderating streams like Fun, and being a general sitemod than specifically owning and more or less ruining the identity of a stream that has been standing apart from you for so long. All my opinion of course, but I think most would agree with me.