First, I read it. All of it. I want to see both sides.
Now, to your points:
- You say that you’re getting destroyed by an online platform. This is the #1 sign for addiction. You make your entire emotional state dependent of people you don’t even know.
- You instantly go into depressed mode when people are literally answering you critically, even if the critic is reasonable. Other MSMG users are human beings equal to you, and you can’t expect that you can say what you want and people will tiptoe around so they don’t make you depressed.
- You say that you adapt your behavior from your surroundings. Although MSMG has some of the behavior you have, nobody consciously starts an argument and then answers “nobody asked” to the defense of the other party. This straight up proves immaturity. And to top it off, you sent Spire death threats in the end. And not just as a joke like some MSMG users do, but literal death threats.
- While you aren’t as problematic as TCK or some other users, you still are problematic. The fact that there are users more problematic than you doesn’t lower that.
- Although I appreciate that you want to make it up, you are acting like a lot of politicians: You talk about change a lot, but in the end you change nothing. So my hint: Once you higher your activity, go in the direction of changes. Try to avoid drama yourself, and don’t just expect everyone else to avoid it. Because sometimes, you are the cause.
- I know some things piss you off more than others, sometimes even simple jokes. I relate to that because sometimes I act the same. Like I have to change some things about me, you have to change something about yourself.
- You say that after you were criticized, you drank a whole bottle of wine, just like you drank a whole bottle of mouthwash some months ago. You believe that MSMG will treat you better after seeing you harm yourself or even attempting suicide, but in reality, the things you do are the ultimate form of victimizing yourself. MSMG sees your inability of taking responsibility, which creates the spiral of hate.
- We understand that you have mental issues, because I have some of them too. The difference is that I keep my mental issues to myself or at least talk with someone about them (such as a therapist), while you let it out on a lot of users. And I mean, A LOT, when watching at the percentage of MSMG drama you’re involved in.
(to be continued)