Flower in BFDI; Flower in BFB; "OUT OF MY WAY! I NEED MY SPACE!" she said angrily as she kicked contestants' asses & send them flying; "ⴰⵀhⵂⵆⵁⵋⵇⵋ ⵕⵑⵖⵠ⵿ⵆⵚ ⵔⵏⵊⵅⵁⵁⵅⵌ
ⵁⴻⵁⴼⵂⵂⴼ ⵁⴷⴼⴷ ⵂⴼⵁⵋⵇⵕⵅⵖ
ⵕⵏⵔⵙⵕ ⵠⵚⵠ⵿ⵜ⵰ⵚⵔ"
(Translation: "ŵǢħ Ï łŒſÞ ƀƏḉÆũẞɛ Ȁ p̈ĪëĈè
Ƣḟ ṔåP̈ȇɌ ẘȀß ɃɫØĉḰïŊɣ Ṁē ḞɍƆḿ ŦħË ḅŮẗŢɵŇ)
(Translation 2: WaH i LoSt BeCaUsE a PiEcE oF
pApEr WaS bLoCkInG mE fRoM tHe BuTtOn) she said as she went into
crybaby mode