Back then, (mainly due to covid) people were maybe 5 times as active. They also made good memes to fill in the boring days. Nowadays, reposts and shitposts are everywhere, with original memes being the minority.
I joined late 2022 so I didn't get those PRIME Covid days. But in 2022 we still had Covid and when I first logged on, I thought I would be here for years just having fun with the community and making good memes. Don't get me wrong I have made many friends in my almost 2 years here but their not as active as they were in 2023. When I first joined I wanted to make the top 250 because I thought it would be a really hard thing to accomplish. It was hard to get there. But I did thankfully end up making it to the top 250 list so my biggest goal is complete. announcement coming within the next week going further into this.
Many people have dubbed imgflip as a “dying website”. Are they wrong? Imgflip’s mods did once boast over 100Million users, but nowadays it’s close to 40,000. No joke, that’s actually pretty damn high, but not enough for a site that needs to get *out there*. This means that their revenue took a dip (maybe is going down till now, too) and they may not be able to purchase the cost of maintenance. This can mean that the servers may slowly shut down and within 20 years or so, imgflip will no longer be alive.
Even a site mod said that the founder doesnt give a shit about imgflip anymore, and the employee workforce is close to ten people. YES, TEN people. Doesn’t it take more? Anyways, what I’m saying is that is imgflip doesn’t do anything; it’d die. Looks like we’re on that path now, ._.
group memechats would be fire. Plus some of those aren't even that hard. I could do it if given enough time to learn the coding and making website skills.