Don't get me wrong star war is infinitely better than skibidi toilet
unlike SkEeBeEdEe ToYuLeT, it actually has lore.
so the sith were beaten by the jedi a long time ago.
but darth plageius the wise lives and passes on his secrets to palpatine, who kills him.
the clone wars break out and a bunch of basically child soldiers (clones were fighting at 10-13 yrs old) fight billions of toasters across maybe 100,000 planets or so idk.
Anakin, obi-wan, and his child soldier ahsoka proceed to commit several war crimes against droids.
Anakin is tricked into the dark side of the force, order 66 occurs and 99% of the jedi die.
palpatine declares galactic empire.
20 years later, a farmboy is visited by an old hermit who gives him the youngling slayer 9000.
watch the movies and you'll understand what happens next