Calais: ATK 7, DEF 7, LV 1
*Determined to find her way back to the overworld and do what she believes to be right.
Blobbi: ATK 0.9, DEF 0.9, LV 1
*This gooey and goofy ball of joy just wants to spread equality and fairness, and make sure that everyone gets what they have earned!
Ribeye: ATK 2, DEF 2, LV 2
*This guy is... named after a steak? He's pretty deadbeat, but he's rather comical and seems more friendly than he lets on.
Peyton: ATK 30, DEF 8, LV 5
*She's... so... pre-
*Sorry, zoned out for second.
*She's the one and only star of the underworld, and is ready to show off her skills for everyone to see!
Xorus: ATK 125, DEF 165, LV 20
*The king of the underworld, he will do WHATEVER it takes to reach his mysterious goals...